MILLIONS will be spent on the repainting of a landmark bridge.

Nearly £2m will be spent on repainting the underside of Valley Bridge in Scarborough, North Yorkshire.

The bridge, which will recieve the special coating of paint, is being repainted in an effort to further-protect the structure. 

Work to repaint the bridge's steel girders, which carries the A165 road, will commence on Monday, July 1. 

The first phase, the painting of spans three and four, will last around 20-weeks, at a cost of £915,000.

The second phase, which includes spans one and two on the south side of the bridge, will be repainted at a similiar cost.

Councillor Don Mackenzie of North Yorkshire County Council said: "When the repainting is finished next year, that will mark the end of a five year scheme to make the bridge fit for purpose for the next 35 years.

“Valley Bridge is North Yorkshire’s largest painted bridge structure and requires an enormous amount of paint to protect the girders, but by the end of the project it will be fit for purpose and stand proud as a fine historic landmark in Scarborough.”