A WOMAN has been given a suspended prison sentence and banned from driving after filming him a young child whilst she was driving.

Kerry White, 35, of Scarborough, filmed the child whilst she was behind the wheel, before posting the video to Facebook.

White, who used her mobile phone to film the child, was travelling between Woodland Ravine and Manor Road in the town on December 16, 2017.

She was later caught after a member of public reported the video to the police. 

Investigating, officers from North Yorkshire Police identified White's car and were able to recover the original file from her mobile phone. 

White previously refused to answer questions when interviewed by police, and pleaded not guilty to driving a vehicle dangerously when charged.

But before appearing at York Crown Court, White changed her plea to guilty.

In court, she was handed a 12-month driving ban and sentenced to six months in jail, suspended for a year.

White, who was ordered to pay a £115 victim surcharge, was also told she had to complete 20 days unpaid community work.

Mark Patterson of North Yorkshire Police said: “As the footage clearly shows, Miss White’s driving that day was highly irresponsible and incredibly dangerous and it’s only through sheer luck she wasn’t involved in a serious collision.

“Her blatant disregard for the safety of the child and traffic laws could have ended tragically and the consequences of her actions had she of lost control of her vehicle doesn’t bear thinking about”

“I’d like to thank the member of the public who reported this incident to us and I hope this message sends a clear message that this type of reckless behaviour will not be tolerated on our roads.”