A LONELY divorcee spent seven years building up a sickening collection of photos and videos of child abuse and animal sex.

Damian Gallagher was said to have “gorged” on adult pornography during all-night drink and drug sessions, and was “directed” to the illegal material.

Former salesman and business boss Gallagher faced jail for downloading the images but escaped with a suspended sentence when he appeared at Teesside Crown Court.

He will have to go on a treatment course and will be on the sex offenders’ register for the next ten years, while his computer use will be restricted.

Judge Deborah Sherwin told him: “A custodial sentence would have an impact on your elderly parents, both of whom you care for.

“The public at large would be best protected by the sentence being suspended and the Probation Service having the opportunity of doing the work with you to prevent a repetition of behaviour of this nature.”

The court heard how police called at Gallagher’s home in Middlesbrough after he put two indecent images on the internet.

There was no answer at the door, but neighbours told officers the 50-year-old was in, and they found him in the front room after forcing entry.

Electronic devices were seized, and computer experts found 350 indecent images – including a ten-year-old being raped – and 1,875 pictures and films of extreme pornography.

Damian Sabino, mitigating, said: “Before this, before problems with his marriage, he was a competent, confident contributing member of society, setting up medium-level businesses, working all over the world in sales.

“While he finds himself in these severe circumstances before the court, he is here to face the consequences.

“The public have a right for people who commit these offences to be punished, but perhaps the overarching priority is protection of the public and managing risk. A suspended sentence order will give him the opportunity to learn the skills needed to ensure this sort of thing doesn’t happen again.”

Mr Sabino added: “Previously, there had been drink and drug issues, and he had received treatment in relation to a relationship breakdown, but, ultimately, he found himself alone and lonely.

“He was using amphetamine, staying up late, not sleeping. He was gorging on adult pornography, but unfortunately this directed him to this material, and he described it as an obsession, a compulsion.”

Gallagher, of Falmouth Street, Middlesbrough, admitted three charges of making indecent images of children, and possessing extreme pornography. He was given a ten-month suspended prison sentence.