VOTERS in Hartlepool are being asked for their views as part of a review of the town's polling stations.

Under Government regulations, all councils must carry out a review of polling stations every four years and it recommends that councils should pay particular attention to the following principles:

* All electors must have reasonable facilities to vote;

* The place must be accessible to all voters, including disabled people;

* There should be no major obstacles between voters and polling stations;

* Polling places should be within the polling district, wherever possible.

Tony Brown, Hartlepool Borough Council's electoral registration officer, said: "It must be stressed that this is not a review of ward boundaries for elections, it is simply looking at individual polling stations and the polling districts they fall within.

"We want to hear the views of local people, so that we can ensure that polling stations can be easily accessed by residents."

The polling station consultation information is available from the council's elections office at the Civic Centre, Victoria Road, the central library, in York Road, or on 01429-523088.

Views can also be given via the Your Town, Your Say section on the council's website at

The closing date for receipt of comments is Friday, November 9.