A WRITER has published his first book of poems.

Ken Jackson, from Romanby, near Northallerton, used events from his life as inspiration for his collection, Reflections.

The 23 poems were written over a period of ten years and are inspired by Mr Jackson's life. One of his poems is about his wife, Vivien, who died 20 years ago from breast cancer.

Another one is about obsessive compulsive disorder, an affliction Mr Jackson suffers from.

Other subjects covered by the poems include his Yorkshire Dales upbringing, women, modern living and technology.

He said: "It is my first collection and probably my last. They are drawn from life experiences over the past ten years."

Mr Jackson, 52, has worked as a reporter in the past, working on a number of weekly newspapers up and down the country.

As well as writing poems, he has tried his hand at comedy scripts and one-liners.

He also wrote two children's books in the 1990s, Marty the Magical Hamster and Sammy the Little Steam Train.

His book, priced £4, is available by writing to 42 The Green, Romanby, DL7 8NL or by calling 07894-743546.