AN “evil monster” who sexually abused children has been jailed.

John Kelsey, from Stanley, in County Durham, was given a 32-year prison sentence after being found guilty of 16 charges of rape and indecent assault.

Durham Crown Court heard Kelsey, who is 77 next month, had shown no remorse for his crimes.

His victims attended the court on Friday to speak out about the impact his abuse had on their lives.

One victim said: “I don’t think I can ever get over this. I will never wash away the fear I suffered.

“He was a monster who was evil and preyed on me as a vulnerable child.”

The other victim, who dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts as a result of the abuse, added: “I was not allowed to be the happy child I should have been. I had to put on a facade and pretend to be a normal child.

"I still have to put on a brave face today to survive.”

The abuse happened over a number of years several decades ago.

The court heard Kelsey had threatened his victims to prevent them from telling anyone and made them perform sexual favours in exchange for sweets and ice cream.

IMAGES: Man who admits he can't prevent himself downloading child abuse images warned to expect prison sentence at Durham Crown Court next month

John Kelsey was sentenced at Durham Crown Court on Friday

Kelsey, of Sheridan Drive, has one previous conviction of indecently assaulting and having unlawful activity with a child in 1983.

David Callan, mitigating, said: “There can be no mitigation.”

He added Kelsey served in the Army, including tours in Northern Ireland, and after being discharged had been an “extremely hard worker”, working as a taxi driver and then a bus driver.

Judge Jonathan Carroll, who praised the bravery of both victims, said: “For your victims, or survivors as they should think of themselves, this has been a lifetime of tragedy. I hope that today may be the first step in their recovery.”

He added: “Your threats and intimidation worked. You have had a lifetime free and not being known as the sex offender you are because your threats secured their silence for so long.”

The 76-year-old was found guilty of seven counts of rape and nine of indecent assault following a trial last year.

Judge Carroll also gave him a restraining order to stop him from contacting his victims.