A TEAM of dedicated football fans are looking to attract new members as they continue their work to two years after forming.

The Middlesbrough Supporters' Forum (MSF) has achieved several of its goals since it was formed but they are now on the look out for people with energy and ideas to help continue the work.

The small group has secured some small victories through it's campaigning attitude, including being one of the driving forces behind bringing safe-standing areas back to top level football.

After building a successful working relationship with the club's hierarchy, group – widely regarded as ‘best practice’ – have saved fans’ money with cheaper prices on club coach travel and the abolition of two premium rate phone lines.

They have helped push forward improvements in stadium safety and catering and fought the fans’ corner on safe standing and poor treatment at away games.

Forum chairman Dave Roberts, the former matchday commentator who now runs digital channel RedArmy.TV, is hoping that some fresh blood will help to continue the good work.

He said: "All the members of the forum are life-long Boro supporters and have the fans' best interests at heart. We have achieved some of our targets, such as improved catering and better tackling the problem of premium rate telephone numbers for tickets and information.

"We are now looking to continue the good work and are looking for new members to bring fresh ideas forward."

The forum, includes representatives from Red Faction and members of the Middlesbrough South Supporters group, is currently working on delivery a heating system to the Riverside's concourse areas and will be visiting Derby County's ground on New Year's Day to check out how they do it.

Chris Joseph, who was one of the founding members, said: "Their ground is very similar in design to the Riverside and they have worked out a way to heat the concourse, hopefully, we will be able to see how it works when we head down for the match."

The MSF has worked with Boro on a couple of ‘community’ initiatives too: several fanzones, collections for local foodbanks and a campaign to help older fans interact on-line with the new club digital programme.

Peter Hodgson, the Forum's secretary, added: "I have been a season ticket holder for decades and helped to start a fans travel club in 1973 – that's how long I have had fans best interests at heart.

"Everyone says that a club would be nothing without its fans and that's true at Boro."