AN energy company worker has completed the trek of a lifetime along one of the world’s most famous landmarks to help reach a national breast cancer charity fundraising target.

Emily Henderson, from Haswell Plough, in County Durham, recently returned from the gruelling 30-mile charity challenge, walking along sections of The Great Wall of China.

The EDF customer services manager, at the Doxford Customer Services Centre, in Sunderland, put her best foot forward in conjunction with a colleague, Louise Tyrell, from the company’s operation in Exeter, Devon.

Both share a passion for hiking and decided to put it to good use by supporting the company’s official charity partner, Breast Cancer Now, after hearing of the opportunity to walk along the wall, which is said to have been observed by space travellers and which was voted one of the “new” Seven Wonders of the World following a seven-year global poll, earlier this century.

Planning for the challenge began in March and has been supported by fundraising and donations from work colleagues, family and friends.

The demanding walk, taking in different sections of the 13,171-mile wall in northern China, took place over six days, but proved worthwhile, succeeding in raising almost £7,000 for Breast Cancer Now.

But with donations still coming in, it has helped to beat the original target.

The footsore fundraiser said: “It was an amazing experience and one we will never forget.

“We walked along different sections of the wall every day, including some fairly remote parts which had not been renovated and were not usually open to tourists.

“Some of the inclines were very steep, with vertical drops on both sides, and the terrain was incredibly difficult in places.

“But, the different views and scenery were spectacular and well worth the effort.

“Donations are still coming in, but we are delighted to already be ahead of our target and would like to thank all those who have supported us so generously.”

  • EDF Energy’s partnership with Breast Cancer Now began in 2016 and staff have been working towards a three-year fundraising target of £450,000 for the charity, formed by the merger of Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.