AN artist whose work and teaching has earned him a strong reputation in his native North-East is developing a worldwide audience.

Eric Thompson, of Middlestone Moor, near Spennymoor, ran art classes in village halls across County Durham for more than two decades.

A year ago he relocated them to his studio above Bondgate Gallery, in Bishop Auckland– which daughter Lynn Talbot runs– and began recording them on film for students who couldn't make a session or wanted to recap what they had learnt.

In October, whilst browsing the internet, he was inspired to share his skills further afield.

He said: "I saw an online course and I didn't think it was very good so I approached the company in America that shares them, Udemy.

"I made some tutorials, sent them off for them to examine and they came back and said they were happy to promote them."

Mr Thompson recorded six full lessons on a range of styles and mediums– each lasting two to four hours with a lecture, demonstration, links to articles and product advice– and online students soon started to buy or subscribe to them.

Within a month, 100 students in 16 different countries including America, Australia, Canada, Sweden and Turkey had signed up.

Mr Thompson said: "They only went live at the end of October and within a few weeks were getting lots of followers.

"I do a lot of work on the computer with Photoshop and prints and was looking for some sort of course on that really when I came across this.

"It has taken me by surprise to see how well they are doing in different countries. I'm chuffed to death as I didn't expect it at all."

Mr Thompson is waiting for a shoulder operation and sees the online lessons as a way to keep him going during recovery.

The 71-year-old said: "We have great fun in the classes, there are good friendships and over the years students have enjoyed a lot of success in competitions and exhibitions. I saw the videos as an extension of that. I have no idea of retiring, I enjoy what I do and never hold anything back."

Not all has ran smoothly for the artist though. Now, he can produce an online lesson within a few days but the first ones too weeks to complete and he has been known to record a full demonstration only to get to the end and realise the camera battery had ran out after 15 minutes of recording.

  • For more information visit the Bondgate Gallery, on Fore Bondgate, Bishop Auckland; the website or email