A COFFEE shop has opened its doors to show its festive spirit and help to feed the homeless and lonely – and dozens of people took advantage of the generous gesture.

For the third year running Mangobean has provided free hot food and drink – all served up alongside musical entertainment and good company.

Staff at the coffee shop on Darlington's Feethams site have given up their time for free to help ensure that people don't go without food or a friendly chat on Christmas Day.


Volunteers and supporters

Darlington restaurant owner Georgios Latousakis once again supported the coffee shop by providing hot meat and vegetarian dishes, along with Estabulo, Brazilian Steakhouse restaurant located above Mangobean.

Sky Taylor, who runs a Barber’s shop on Victoria Road, also set up inside offering free haircuts and giving away free products, and Dan Wilkinson will be performing live music.

Manager Zak Ahmed said he was overjoyed with the support they had received from across the local business community and especially the dedicated team of volunteers who ensured everything ran smoothly.


Handing out free gifts

"This really shows the community spirit that is in the town," he said. "We have had so many people come through the doors but every single one of them has been able to get some good hot food, a hot drink and a gift bag.

"All the volunteers have worked so hard and it has really paid off when people need it the most."

Sky Taylor said: "This is the least that I could do – offer up some of my time to give people whatever they want, whether it was a haircut or a beard trim."

Among the dozens of people calling into the coffee shop for some festive cheers was Steve Hughes who has been living on the streets for several months.

He said: "It was really good to be able to get some nice food and a hot drink but it was even better to not be alone today."


Sky Taylor cutting a guest's hair

Zack Issak, of Estabulo, was delighted to be able to support the initiative. He said: "This is about giving something back to the community and offering people some support and help when they need it the most.

"Providing people with good food is something that can make such a difference on a day like Christmas Day."

Carmel College student Lexe Vairy raised funds to help provide essential gift bags for anyone who wanted one.

She said: "I heard about last year's event and wanted to get involved as much as I could so I raised some funds to by essential toiletries for people and I bagged them up so that people were able to chose one that most suited their needs."

And musician Dan Wilkinson preformed Christmas songs to keep the visitors entertained while they sat down to their food.

Jane Henderson, who lives alone in Darlington, she called into the coffee shop for a drink and food but mainly for some company as she would have spent Christmas Day on her own.