A Darlington woman says Amateur Dramatics was a no go after seeing a photo of the performance...but dropping more than three stone has given her the confidence to tread the boards again!

Working in a corporate environment and with a work journey of around three hours each day meant that Val Medland was away from home 12-13 hours during the week, sending her into a spiral of over-eating and unhealthy habits, resulting in a lack of energy for any exercise.

The Darlington local then tried some desperate attempts to pull back her weight, but felt everything left her hungry or deprived.

As she gained more weight, the recruitment manager struggled with self-confidence, eventually deciding to join an Am Dram Group to help build her confidence back up.

It was at the beginning of one performance that Val saw a photo that someone had taken of her. This photo was the catalyst she needed and Val realised it was time to make a change.

She said: “My already shaky confidence pretty much disintegrated after seeing that photo and massive insecurities came back to the surface. I had stopped going out to social events at the thought of having to find something to wear and what I’d look like, making any excuse. I felt lethargic and tired. Going back on stage was the furthest from my mind.

"I knew that faddy, ‘magic pill’ diets didn’t work, so it was time for something new. I started reading about various eating plans and eventually chose Slimming World as it mentioned ‘not feeling hungry’ and appeared to be all about health and a lifestyle change, all of which I knew would be right for me. Stepping through the door was daunting, but it was just so friendly that any fear disappeared in seconds.”

Val added: “The real beauty of it is that no foods are off-limits and I can eat anything that I want. Almost more importantly for me, I’m never hungry and that’s key as I love food.

“I still enjoy my favourite treats within moderation. Including a nice glass of red!

"Slimming World has actually increased the variety within my diet and I absolutely love the recipe books and all of the recipes online. I’m working my way through the Veggie one at the moment.”

When asked if her transformation has impacted on her life, Val replied: “Absolutely! I feel so much more confident and just comfortable within myself, which is really important.”

She added: “2019 is going to be my year, I’ve already contacted Am Dram groups in the area and am going to apply again to be in a play. I might be the next Judi Dench! I’ve also joined a walking group, which I would never have done before and I actually went to a dance class this week. More than that, given my weight loss journey with Slimming World has had such a profoundly positive impact on my life, I’m going to be a consultant with my own group!

“I will be relaunching the Pierremont Road Group at the Holy Trinity Youth and Community Centre, Darlington on Thursday, January 3, 2019.

“I’m so looking forward to helping people like me make healthier choices and attain their goals and, of course, build their confidence so they can do what they want to do, whatever it is...maybe even appear in a play!”