CONCERNS have been raised about plans to permanently move a fire engine from one station to another.

County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service (CDDFRS) is reviewing how best to allocate resources across County Durham in light of a legal ruling, which found the crewing arrangements in South Yorkshire, which are similar to those used in Newton Aycliffe and Seaham, were in breach of working time regulations.

As part of the review, it has suggested Durham’s second engine could be moved to Spennymoor, which it says will help save £450,000 a year and will improve the overall service standard.

It is the preferred option of three put forward by CDDFRS for public consultation.

Assistant fire chief Dominic Brown said “We feel this is the most effective and efficient use of our resources, it generates the most efficiency savings, but above all else its the only option that improves the overall response standards for County Durham and Darlington.”

But members of the Fire Brigade Union (FBU), which is in talks with the service’s senior management, have raised concerns about moving resources away from Durham city.

Jim Bittlestone, secretary of the FBU in Durham, said: “The risk in the Durham city area is really quite vast.

“We have a hospital, three prisons, we have the university and there is the risk to heritage because of the castle and cathedral.

“There’s a huge student population which is growing and we have areas of deprivation.

“We don’t think the risk has changed do why would you change the resources?”

Durham is currently the best-resourced station with three fire appliances but is the third busiest station.

Another option would see Durham’s second engine going to Newton Aycliffe at night, and Peterlee’s second engine going to Seaham at night.

Alternatively, stations in Newton Aycliffe and Seaham could be manned with on call firefighters at night, with no other change in where resources are located.

The consultation can be viewed at