A SERIAL paedophile who masqueraded as a 14-year-old boy to groom a young girl into engaging in sexual acts online has been jailed for a string of sexual offences.

Andrew Toon, 32, of no fixed abode, used an iPad to contact a 12-year-old girl who had the “gross misfortune to have crossed paths with him”, Durham Crown Court was told.

Passing sentence Judge Jonathan Carroll said: “You were able to contact her because you had an iPad which you had not declared to police as required under an existing sexual harm prevent order.

“With a significant degree of planning you set about finding a child for your own personal sexual gratification.

“I have listened to extremely moving and emotional personal victim statement in which the victim has set out with remarkable clarity the harm that she has suffered.

“Her mother spoke of you as every parent’s worst nightmare. I can only agree.

“Bearing in mind your many previous convictions, you are a persistent determined serial paedophile and in my judgement you remain a sexually dangerous man.”

Toon pleaded guilty to nine counts, including causing a child under the age of 13 years to engage in sexual activity, sexual activity in the presence of a child, possessing and making indecent images and breaching a sexual harm prevention order.

He was jailed for 12 years with a six-year extended licence and made subject of an indefinite sexual harm order.