A SPECIALIST paedophile investigation team have helped to safeguard hundreds of children in the five years since its launch.

More than 700 children have been protected by trained officers working in Cleveland Police's Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT).

Figures from the last three years show that 253 individuals have been charged to court for sexual offences against children committed on the internet.

More than 350 warrants have also been executed at address in Stockton, Yarm, Redcar, Billingham, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough.

The highly-trained POLIT team investigates online child grooming, indecent images of children and offences of causing or inciting children to engage in sexual activity online.

The Cleveland Police unit received a boost last year with the addition of a police van kitted out with equipment to quickly analyse confiscated computers and other devices for inappropriate and criminal material outside raided properties.

POLIT works closely with other forces and the National Crime Agency to crackdown on internet paedophile rings.

Officers receive psychological support to help them deal with traumatic nature of their role.

Cleveland Police's Detective Inspector Steve Bell, who leads the specialist team, said: “Each case that we deal with is harrowing and shocking, but we have an absolute drive and determination to seek justice for victims and protect our children from online predators.

“We need continued help and support from the public to provide us with intelligence and share our messages on how to keep children safe online.

"In 2019, we will be continuing our investigations and executing more warrants to keep our children safe.”

Children safeguarded following investigations will receive specialist support, alongside their parents of guardians.

Cleveland Police's Assistant Chief Constable Jason Harwin added: “So many of the crimes that we deal with are hidden behind closed doors and in private spaces, we want to bring these offenders out into the open and bring them to justice.

“Investigating sexual offences against children is one of the toughest and most important jobs in policing.

"Our detectives are doing fantastic work in difficult circumstances, and we will continue to give them the tools that they need to protect the most vulnerable in our communities.”

A range of advice for parents with concerns about their child's activity and safety online is available through a range of dedicated charities or the police.

For more information and direct support on issues including online grooming, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, visit thinkuknow.co.uk/parents or ceop.police.uk/safety-centre