AN army of volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure hundreds of children wake up to a present on Christmas morning.

The Salvation Army's annual Darlington toy appeal saw the community pull together once again in a bid to help families and youngsters in need.

Around 600 children will receive a gift thanks to the generosity of people across the region, while their families will be among those who benefit from festive hampers.

The team of dedicated volunteers worked throughout Monday on a 'conveyor belt' system to sort, wrap and pack the influx of donations that have been received since the appeal was launched in November.

The charitable endeavour was spearheaded by Salvation Army ministers Shirley and Marc McKenzie and it is hoped that it will make a significant difference to those who find themselves struggling to cope throughout the festive season.

Ahead of its launch, Mrs McKenzie said: "We know this makes a difference when we hear about how families’ faces light up with hope for Christmas and it is amazing that we can be part of the chain that makes that happen.

“It’s lovely to hear stories from families who benefited and who would not have received anything on Christmas otherwise.

“There are families out there in real need of support and the gifts and hampers are brilliant as they feel able to have a bit extra for Christmas. Christmas,for Christians, is about giving and love and value and so is this.”