TRIPLETS born prematurely have finally arrived at home shortly before turning ten weeks old.

Gordon and Laura Wade, from Richmond, already parents to toddler Georgia, have finally welcomed home all three of their babies, after their baby girls Emilia and Olivia had to remain in hospital a few weeks longer than their brother Joshua.

Documenting their story via social media, Mrs Wade said Joshua was allowed home in early December when he reached a healthy 7lbs.

The baby girls joined their family just in time for Christmas earlier this week.

Mrs Wade said: "It was a trial in itself getting everything and everyone packed up and into the car but we made it.

"I can’t thank the staff at James Cook Hospital and Darlington Memorial Hospital enough for taking fantastic care of the babies and us. "The first night at home didn’t quite go to plan but I suppose that’s life with three newborns and a toddler!

"After 66 days in hospital with them it’s lovely to be home and getting everyone settled in. Georgia is finding it hard having three others to share mummy and daddy with, it wasn’t so hard for her when just Joshua was home as she still always had one of our attention.

"I’m finding it hard too as I’m used to having all my time just for her.

"Today I actually managed to get out and do some Christmas shopping without taking the babies, I can’t believe how quickly it has come around and I’m definitely not organised this year!"