A RUNNER is attempting to clock up the miles to raise money for a boy who is in desperate need of funds to continue his fight against cancer.

Marc Ellis will be running around The Northern Echo Arena for 24 hours from 6pm on Friday, December 28 to raise money for Luke Bell.

Last week, Luke's family were given the devastating news that, after battling for almost two years, the eight-year-old's cancer had spread and that he could die within weeks.

Vowing to do all they can to save the Darlington schoolboy’s life, the family are now hoping that their community will back them in a last-ditch attempt to raise £100,000 for trial cancer treatment.

Luke’s father, Mark Bell, said they are currently waiting for doctors to approve plans to fly the child – who is fighting neuroblastoma - to Barcelona to undergo treatment grounded in chemo and immunotherapy.

Luke was diagnosed with High Risk Neuroblastoma in April last year and has endured several rounds of treatment after suffering a relapse earlier this year.

A variety of fundraising events have been organised to support the Darlington youngster ever since.

Speaking about his attempts to raise money, Mr Ellis said: "I have been following Luke's story for the last six months, and when I got back from a running event in Lanzarote last week and I saw the latest and I immediately knew then I had to try and help.

"There is going to be a great turnout, I've got more than 100 runners who have pledged to run alongside me during the event – I've made a spreadsheet with slots of 30 minutes for everyone who wants to take part."

Mr Ellis has taken on a number of running challenges in the past, and said he will missing his annual Boxing Day catch up with friends to support the youngster.

"We've got people making cakes and they'll be tea and coffee - it is great, especially at Christmas, that everyone comes together. The people in Darlington have always been really good at that.

"I have done marathons in the past but this will be a whole different challenge."

Speaking to The Northern Echo earlier this week, Luke's father, Mark, said: “We were told last Monday that Luke’s disease had spread and 70 per cent of his bone marrow now has neuroblastoma – without treatment, he has weeks, months at best.

“Knowing how aggressive this disease can be, we have been trying to mentally prepare ourselves but getting the news has just been devastating, I’ve never experienced anything like it before.

“There are no viable options left in this country but we’ve spoken to a top hospital in Barcelona who are running a trial – we’ve sent over reports from Luke’s consultants and we’re now waiting for them to make a decision.”

Mr Bell also said the family took some consolation from knowing that Luke’s participation in other cancer trials, even though they were of no benefit to him, would help researchers move treatment forward.

Scott Mcalister is also planning to climb Roseberry Topping 27 times in less than 24 hours – the equivalent of reaching the top of Mount Everest - to raise money for Luke.

The 47-year-old, a father-of-two, will be starting the challenge on Saturday morning (December 22), and hopes to reach the summit of the iconic North Yorkshire hill for the 27th time by 10am the following day.

For more information about Mr Ellis' 24 hour run, search Marcs Charity Run on Facebook.

To sponsor Luke, visit www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/teamlukebell