AT a meeting of Ferryhill Town Council this month, a motion was presented by two opposition councillors - one Liberal Democrat and one from Fair (Ferryhill Association for Independent Representation) - which requested that either the Union Flag or the flag of St George be flown on one of the two flagpoles at the town hall every day.

Councillor Pat McCourt, the Labour leader of the council, proposed that this be rejected on the grounds that it would diminish the impact of flying the flag on special occasions.

Although Gordon Brown says that the Union Flag should be flown more regularly, the Ferryhill Labour Group rejected the motion.

As a service veteran with nine years' service in the Royal Navy, I find it very difficult to understand why Coun McCourt and the Ferryhill Labour Party should reject the motion.

I am British, proud of the fact and would love to see the Union Flag flown every day in front of our town hall. I respect the flag and everything it stands for. - Councillor TW Garrett, Fair group, Ferryhill Town Council.


RE the letter from Sean Bowron, from Shildon, about the regeneration of Bishop Auckland town centre (HAS, Page 11, Sept 13).

May I remind Mr Bowron of the Bishop Auckland Urban Renaissance plan report put forward to councillors, where key priorities were agreed, such as the Market Place improvements, North and Fore Bondgate and Auckland Castle Park improvements.

I attended at the presentation at council by consultants Red Box and I was very impressed with the proposals at the time.

Such positive action appeals more to me and my Lib Dem colleagues at the council than negative responses/comments. - Councillor Vince Perkins, Liberal Democrat press spokesman, Wear Valley District Council.

More letters - Page 17