AN MP has agreed to become an ambassador for the arts on the Yorkshire coast.

Robert Goodwill, the Tory MP for Scarborough, has pledged his support for the area's arts and culture as it seeks to play a major regeneration role.

The MP attended a meeting with Create, the locally-based group tasked with developing arts and culture in the area and beyond.

"The artistic sector does make a big contribution, not only to the life of people living in Scarborough, but also as an attraction to tourists," he said.

"When, for example, festivals like the jazz festival are held in Scarborough, people come and stay in the town and that brings tremendous benefits to the local economy."

He is challenging new Government rules that prevent live entertainment in bars and cafes that do not have a licence.

"It used to be that you could have one or two people performing in a bar or cafe without any need for a licence," he said.

"Now the Government has changed that and many venues have decided that they can't afford a licence and so are not able to offer that music any more," he said.

"I have already raised that in Parliament, but will be renewing my efforts to get that ruling changed."