HORSES and riders are getting in the pink for a breast cancer charity event.

The Tickled Pink day will be held at the Richmond Equestrian Centre, near Catterick, on Sunday, September 29.

Proceeds will go towards a £2.2m appeal to open a Breast Cancer Haven in Yorkshire.

The dressage event will feature a variety of classes, including prelim, novice, elementary and music freestyle, and all ages and levels are encouraged to join in.

Breast Cancer Haven, which is due to open in autumn next year, will offer free support, information and complementary therapies to anyone affected by breast cancer in Yorkshire.

Event organiser Belinda Yarrow said: "We want a full house for the day and for lots of people to come along and support such a special charity.

"Donations will come from entry fees and a raffle. It's going to be a pink extravaganza."

To enter the equestrian event, contact Mrs Yarrow before Wednesday on 01423-866944.