A DESCENDANT of a clockmaking family is appealing to anyone who knows the whereabouts of clocks and watches made in Stokesley to call him.

Retired police officer Dr David Severs wants anyone who has a clock or watch with Stokesley, Stocksley or Stoxley on the face to get in touch. He wants to study the items and document them in his latest publication, a booklet on Stokesley clockmakers and their clocks.

The subject has become a passion for Dr Severs, and stems from his desire to know more about his clock-making ancestors Hugh and Joshua Pannell.

Dr Severs has already written two books -Northallerton Clockmakers, in 1998, and A Northallerton Miscellany, in 2003.

He had not intended to research Stokesley clockmakers, but took on the project after it was started by Stokesley resident Beryl Turner.

Mrs Turner began researching the subject, but found it became more than she could manage and passed it over to Dr Severs.

He said: "If anybody knows the whereabouts of one, or if they see one, I would be very grateful if they could let me know.

"The more the merrier. It will make for a better booklet. I already have about 25 from the 1740s to the 1890s."

People can write to Dr Severs at 59 Trinity Gardens, Northallerton, DL6 1 GA, or call 01609-771867.