A COMEDY night featuring three stand-up comedians has been lined up to launch a season of entertainment at a town's biggest community hall.

Dan Nightingale, Warren Speed and Rhodri Rhys, from the Funny Bones Comedy Club, will share the stage at Witham Hall, in Barnard Castle, on Saturday, at 8pm.

Andrew Harrison, an official at the hall, said: "We are delighted to have three top class comedians to get our new season under way.

"I'm sure they will give the audience a wonderfully funny evening."

Warren Speed tells amusing tales about his upbringing in a North Yorkshire village. Rhodri Rhys is a Welshman who has seen the world and has many anecdotes to prove it, while Dan Nightingale is popular on the North-East comedy circuit.

Tickets cost £7 at the door, or £6.50 in advance from the hall box office, which can be called on 01833-631107.

Tickets will also be on sale at a coffee morning in the hall on Saturday, from 11am until 1pm.

Details of the full autumn programme will also be available.