HUNDREDS turned out to discover more about the work of life-saving 999 crews at Northallerton fire station's annual open day.

Firefighters joined forces with the police and road safety officers for the event, which combined fun with a serious message.

They offered free home fire risk checks, smoke alarm fitting and fire safety advice. As part of the event, a chip pan fire demonstration was carried out to highlight the dangers of using traditional chip pans, and crews also carried out a road accident demonstration, which involved cutting a casualty out of a crashed vehicle.

Station manager Carl Boasman said: "The open day was a huge success.

"The aim of the day was for parents and children to have fun and to make sure everybody went away with safety information.

"We want to reduce the risk of a fire starting in the home - and make sure families protect themselves with a working smoke alarm."

To book a free home fire risk check, call Northallerton fire station on 01609-751010, or