A GROUP of teenagers have made a contribution to the regeneration of their neighbourhood.

Youngsters from Acklam Grange School, in Middlesbrough, have been working alongside artist William Pym to make their mark on the West Lane East area of the town.

The 24 year nine youngsters have created pieces of metalwork art to be incorporated into railings around Yuill Homes' new St Cuthbert's Mews development.

The pupils were tutored by Mr Pym, a specialist in regeneration art work, during sessions at the school to design and create features based on the theme of plant life, to symbolise the rebirth of the area.

The pieces they have created will now be used as templates for final features, which will be professionally manufactured and built into the railings.

Mr Pym said: "The quality of the designs created by the pupils was of a very high standard, and they thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to learn new skills and put them into practice."