MOTORISTS are being urged to be on their guard following a spate of thefts.

In the past week, four cars have been broken into in the Lake's Estate, Redcar.

Police said they were shocked to discover some of the cars had been left insecure.

PC Ian Solomon, crime reduction officer for Cleveland Police, said: "With the recent warm weather, it appears people have been a bit careless and left car sunroofs or windows open. As a result, opportunist thieves have been able to help themselves to stereos, sat-navs or other valuables."

He urges drivers to keep their cars secure, by shutting and locking doors, windows and sunroofs and not leaving items on display.

He added that keys kept in the driver's house should be hidden, to reduce the risk of what police call two-in-one burglaries - where thieves break into houose, steal valuables and then make off in the owner's car.

"Owners should also remember that we offer massively discounted security devices - we sell locks for only £20, rather then the recommended retail price of about £85 - and I'm even willing to deliver them to anyone interested," said PC Solomon.

To buy a lock, contact PC Solomon on 01642-302628.