THE results of a survey of residents' satisfaction with the progress of improvements to a town are to be displayed at an exhibition.

In April, every household and business in Seaton Carew, near Hartlepool, were invited to give their views on how effective Hartlepool Borough Council's tourism strategy for the resort has been since its introduction, in 2003.

Fiona Riley, of the council's regeneration team, said: "The consultation showed that residents recognise that significant progress has been made in Seaton Carew since the development of the tourism strategy.

"Particular examples cited by people included the reintroduction of the lifeguards, the demolition of the north shelter and the landscaping of the site, enhanced beach cleanliness, provision of pedestrian crossing areas and better street lighting."

As well as highlighting the progress made so far, the consultation also identified residents' key priorities for future improvements.

Miss Riley said: "The main issues raised were the worsening condition of the bus station and clock tower and the external condition of some of the private properties in Seaton Carew. These are now the focus for future phases of regeneration, together with the marketing of the former fairground site in order to attract a high-quality tourism-related development."

The full results of the survey will be displayed at Seaton Carew library, in Station Lane, from today until Thursday.

The library is open from 9.30am to 12.30pm, and from 1.30pm to 7pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and from 9.30am to 12.30pm, on Thursdays and Saturdays.