YOUNGSTERS at a nursery school are receiving a strong start to their education, inspectors found.

Bishopton Pre-School, which is part of Bishopton-Redmarshall Primary School, Stockton, has begun the school year after receiving a glowing Ofsted inspection report.

The inspectors said: "On the basis of the evidence collected on the inspection, the quality and standards of the nursery education and care within the pre-school were good.

"Children enjoy their time at the pre-school because the staff establish positive, warm relationships with the children, helping them to feel secure.

"Staff assess the children's starting points and build effective plans for the children, based on their identified individual interests.

"Children with learning difficulties and disabilities are exceptionally well supported. The children benefit from the calm, consistent attitude of the staff."

Inspectors said lunchtime at the pre-school was well-planned and sociable, with teachers sitting with pupils, chatting to them ."

The Bishopton Pre-School committee said: "We would like to congratulate Julie Charlton, pre-school manager, and her staff on this excellent, well deserved result."