TWO charities picked up cash windfalls from a former town mayor yesterday.

During his year as mayor of Chilton, Councillor Brian Turner raised £3,459.90 for his charity appeal, with the help of his wife and consort, Audrey.

The money was shared between Macmillan Cancer Support and The Butterwick Hospice, in Bishop Auckland.

Joanne Evans, from the cancer charity, and Barbara Fountain, from the hospice, were presented with cheques for £1,729.95.

Coun Turner said: "Both Audrey and I would like to thank all those people and businesses, who gave so generously at each of the fundraising events and also throughout my civic year.

"In addition, we would also like to thank all those involved with the organising of these events and all those people who supported us.

"It has been a pleasure to raise funds for both Macmillan and Butterwick hospice. We would both like to wish these organisations well for the future."