A COUPLE who are turning a run-down 17th Century house into a dream family home have been given planning permission for an extension, despite neighbours' protests.

Children's book designer and illustrator Joanne Lintelo said she needs the extra space behind the property in Front Street, Wolsingham, to create a studio where she can work at home.

With her husband, Gerard, she has worked with council conservation officers to ensure the conversion is done to a high standard.

But the project has angered neighbours in nearby Tower Mews, who say the single-storey building will overshadow their homes and block their light.

The objectors were supported by Wolsingham councillors Vere Shuttleworth and Des Wilson when a planning application was submitted to Wear Valley District Council's development control committee meeting.

They praised the restoration work done by the Lintelos at the front of the house, but said the extension was intrusive and out of keeping with the village's conservation area.

A report from planning officer Adrian Caines advised the committee to approved the Lintelos' plans, producing a detailed analysis of the building's impact.

Councillor Barbara Laurie said: "It is a very valiant enterprise, creating a family home, garden and high-quality accommodation out of a derelict property.

"That is a tremendous benefit to a conservation area and I am totally surprised that anyone would want to go against the application."