A FLOWER and vegetaable show that was started after two friends squabbled over the size of their tomatoes marked its 25th anniversary at the weekend.

Scores of people were at Marske Cricket Club, on Saturday, for the annual horticultural show.

Entries were good this year, despite the wet weather impacting on vegetable growers, and the floral art section was particularly well supported by flower arrangers.

Cricket club treasurer Mike Huggins, who is secretary of the horticultural section, said it was too early to say how much had been raised by the show.

However, he said it would be added to the club's yearly charitable fund, which usually reaches about £1,500. It will be distributed to local and regional charities at the end of the year.

"It wasn't a bad day, at all," said Mr Huggins.

"Flower entries were up on last year, but vegetables were down, mainly due to the weather.

"It was our 25th year and I think, to date, we have raised between £30,000 and £35,000 for charity during that time.

"That's not bad when you consider that the show started when two chaps in the club were arguing over who had the heaviest tomato."