A countryside initiative could be launched to give people in Weardale more control over the food they eat.

A group of residents are exploring the feasibility of starting a community supported agriculture (CSA) enterprise, in the Wolsingham area.

The scheme would provide the surrounding community with fresh produce - mainly fruit and vegetables, grown at a farm near the village.

If there is sufficient support for the idea, volunteers will be needed to run a management committee to decide what is grown, set budgets and help with administration of the scheme.

Members may even be able to get hands-on experience of farming the crops themselves.

The CSA is the brainchild of Newcastle University researcher Liz Charles, who is studying the idea for a PHD.

She said similar schemes have been launched across the UK and there are about 2,000 successful initiatives in the US.

Supporters welcome greater influence on how and where their food is grown and can get directly involved in running the operation.

There are usually environmental benefits as well, as schemes tend to reduce use of chemicals in growing, packaging and transporting food.

Mrs Charles said: "It is about partnership, between the people that grow the fruit and vegetables and the people who agree to buy it.

"As all decisions would be made by members, and no projects are the same, I cannot say how it would work.

"In other areas, members look at what produce there is a demand for, grow it in conditions they want and buyers agree to buy from them for at least one season, so it can become sustainable."

The first step towards a Wolsingham CSA has already been taken, with a local farmer agreeing to make land available if the scheme gets off the ground.

If the idea is to be successful, more volunteers are needed, said Mrs Charles.

Free workshops, with CSA leaders from across the country talking about their experience, will be held at Wolsingham College's sixth form centre on Saturday September 15, from 1.45pm.

Anyone interested in taking part is asked to call Mrs Charles on 01388-605925. Child care will be provided at the event, as well as a free meal