THE parents of Kyle McManus who died suddenly four months ago made an emotional trip to his school to collect his GCSE results yesterday.

Kyle, 15, one of the Manor College of Technology's star pupils, died in April.

The Hartlepool school asked the exam board to produce a certificate of his predicted results.

Yesterday his parents, Dawn and Ian McManus, collected them from the school.

Mrs McManus, 37, a teacher, said: "It's just amazing that the school have arranged for this to be able to happen.

"Obviously, it doesn't bring Kyle back, but it allows us to celebrate the achievements he would have had. We won't have anything like that now because there's no future is there?

"It kind of gives us back a bit of future and gives us an idea of what he could have achieved.

"I can't find words to express what it does mean to us but it's fantastic and I can't thank the school enough."

Headteacher Alan White said: "We just felt that he was an exceptional boy and it was important for his parents to have a record of his school achievements academically. It would have been unacceptable in our opinion had they not.

"Kyle's mum came in and got his results early because she didn't want to impose on the celebrations of the other pupils. There were lots of cuddles and tears."

The talented teenager gained five A* marks, one B and six Cs in subjects including maths, English, performing arts and art.

Kyle, of Lennox Walk, Owton Manor, died in April after suffering a brain haemorrhage while out with five of his friends in Greatham Village.

Minutes earlier he had complained of feeling dizzy and of a pain behind one of his eyes.

His mother, a teacher at St Michael's School, Billingham, collected him and rushed him to the Brierton Medical Centre where doctors tried to save him, but their efforts were in vain.