Open show to be held on Monday

YARM and District Social Centre holds its annual open show at the social centre, in Bentley Wynd, on Monday, at 1.30pm. Classes include vegetables, flowers, homecraft, handicraft, machine knitting, photography and children's exhibits. Trophies will be awarded in many of the categories. Admission is 25p for adults and 10p for children. Trophies will be presented at 3.30pm, followed by an auction of produce in aid of charities. The show is sponsored by Yarm Allotments Association. For more details, contact 01642-781823.

LINE DANCE: A charity line dance social will be held on Saturday, September 1, from 7.30pm to 11pm, at the Egglescliffe Community Centre, Durham Lane. There will be a faith supper and a raffle. Take your own drinks. Admission is £2.50 at the door.

author's talk: Novelist Marion Husband, of Eaglescliffe, will give a talk at the next meeting of the Ladies' Section of Egglescliffe Community Centre, Durham Lane, on Thursday, September 6, at 7.45pm.

BRIDGE PLANS: Plans for a bridge to link Ingleby Barwick with Preston Park have gone to public consultation. There are two possible locations over the River Tees. The consultation document has been placed in the recent edition of Stockton News and views can be given using the reply slip in the magazine.

ROMANO PARK: A planning application has been submitted to Stockton Borough Council to make the areas behind Tesco and All Saint's School, Ingleby Barwick, into a public park. Details can be found on Stockton Borough Council's website where opinions can be given.

QUIZ NIGHT: A general knowledge quiz will be held on Saturday, September 15, at 7.30pm, at Egglescliffe Community Centre, Durham Lane. Tickets cost £4.25 for members and £4.75 for non-members from 01642-651095 or 01642-652476. There will be a pie and peas supper- take your own drinks. If requiring supper, a ticket must be ordered by September 12.

SINGERS NEEDED: Choral singers are wanted to join a choir for a charity Christmas concert by the Rotary Club of Teesside West. The candle-lit event will include carols, an orchestra and a narrator, at Yarm Parish Church, on December 15. Contact Michael Pritchard on 01642-553866.

CHURCH FUND: Visitors to Yarm Parish Church summer fete and open day braved the wind and raised more than £1,100 for the church restoration fund.

HALL ACTIVITIES: Yarm Fellowship Hall, in West Street, became a trust in July, 1999, to provide a meeting place and recreation. It is used by a variety of groups, including martial arts classes, a stage school, yoga and French language classes, senior citizens' meetings, a support group for parents and children, church youth groups and blood donor sessions. For details, ring 01642-782957 or 01642-888786.