THOUSANDS of council houses have been signed up to receive free fire safety checks.

Hundreds of housing company staff have also received safety awareness training in a bid to stamp out house fires.

The programme has been launched across Stockton, the largest housing area on Teesside.

Cleveland Fire Brigade has teamed up with Tristar Homes, which manages Stockton Borough Council's 11,300 houses, to carry out 15-minute home fire safety checks, aimed at reducing death and injury caused by fire.

More than 300 staff from the housing company have received training from the brigade on fire safety awareness.

Leaflets are being delivered to all Stockton council tenants to tell them about the free scheme.

Home fire safety visits are carried out by firefighters who check for fire risks, give safety advice, help make an escape plan in case of a fire and fit smoke alarms, all free of charge.

The brigade intends to visit all 235,000 homes across Stockton, Middlesbrough, Hartlepoool and Redcar, aiming to complete the checks in four years.

The brigade is aiming to achievea ten per cent reduction in fire deaths in the home by 2010.

There were 172 casualties and 1,377 house fires in Middlesbrough alone, in the five years leading up to the launch of home fire safety checks in 2003.

Kevin Harrison, the brigade's station manager at Stockton, said: "We are delighted to have formed a partnership with Tristar Homes, which will ultimately benefit the residents that live in their properties.

"We have already carried out more than 27,000 home fire safety checks in the Stockton district.''

He said: "A home fire safety check could save a life, as it will help to reduce the risk of fire in a home, particularly by having a working smoke alarm, which firefighters will fit where necessary.

"We hope residents see the benefit of taking up this free offer and help us keep the community safer."

Adele Mclaren, housing management co-ordinator with Tristar Homes, said: "We are committed to improving safety for our customers and raising awareness of safety, particularly in the home.

"Many people don't realise they are entitled to free fire safety checks and free smoke detectors throughout their home."

Anyone interested in having a home safety check can ring 01429-874063 to arrange one.