A TEENAGER who feared he was about to drown after plunging 15ft into a fast-flowing river was saved by the courage of his friends and a quick-thinking policeman.

Kyle Callaghan, 13, and his friends planned to explore a former Second World War bomb shelter in Malton, North Yorkshire.

But, while trying to reach the ruins by the River Derwent, on Tuesday afternoon, Kyle slipped on the steep muddy bank and fell into the cold river.

The youngster's foot caught in reeds at the bottom of the river and he was pulled under the water.

He was swept ten metres downstream, while struggling to keep his head above water as he freed his foot.

His friend, Michael Atkinson, also 13, of Newbiggin, Malton, tried to help but he too got stuck. A third friend, Dean Smith, 13, of Hovingham, ran for help.

Kyle finally managed to scramble to the shore's edge, where he grabbed a branch and was hauled to safety by PC Simon Williamson, who had arrived on the scene.

Kyle, of Eastfield, Rillington, near Malton, said: "I wanted to see the shelter as I'd been told it was really cool.

"I tested a branch to see if it was strong enough to hold me as I went along the bank to the shelter.

"The next thing I remember is going head first into the river and the reeds trapping my foot.

"I went under twice to try and free my foot and when I came up again all I heard was everyone shouting my name.

"I shouted back I was okay, but by then I had drifted downstream. I can swim, but not very well."

His friend, Dean, said everyone was very frightened.

"I heard a splash and saw Kyle struggling in the water. Michael went to help him but he too nearly fell in," he said.

Luckily PC Williamson and pub worker Simon Davies had arrived by that time.

Kyle added: "The police officer took a strap off his jacket and lowered it to me to grab and he pulled me up and then Michael.

"I have a gash in my leg and lots of nettle stings and quite a few scrapes."

His mother, Rosalind, said: "He was very lucky and I am extremely grateful to them all for acting so quickly, because they undoubtedly saved his life."

Malton police have warned of the dangers of playing near the old bomb shelter.

PC Shanie Burton said: "This is a dangerous spot, because of the steep drop down the bank to the river. Youngsters have been playing in the area but we would urge them to keep away because they are putting themselves at risk."