THE oldest serving regiment in the British Army is recruiting in County Durham.

The Scots Guards has served in almost every campaign in which the British Army has been in action.

Two County Durham men to enlist are Richard Hodgeson and Stephen Greenwood.

Mr Greenwood, 21, is a former pupil of St Leonard's Roman Catholic School, in Durham, and Mr Hodgeson, 30, is a former pupil of Blackfyne Comprehensive School, in Consett.

Garry Bennett, manager of the Durham Army careers information office, said: "The journey the two men are about to embark on will find them exploring a fantastic range of opportunities available to them through the Army and I wish them every success in Army life."

He added: "This is an exciting time, not only for these recruits, but for young people in the area with GCSE results pending.''

For further information, call 08457-300-111, visit your local Army careers office or visit the website