THREE coastguards who pulled a schoolgirl to safety as she clung onto the edge of a cliff minutes away from plunging 300ft have been given a bravery award.

Coastguards Eric Lorrains, Gordon Hogg and Paul Waugh, who helped rescue the terrified 13-year-old, have become regional winners in the Vodafone Lifesavers Awards.

The men were involved in the rescue of Faye Harrison and her three schoolfriends from cliffs near Saltburn, east Cleveland, when a leisurely walk went wrong. The drama unfolded one Sunday afternoon in January when the teenager held on for life, battling against high winds, as the cliff edge began crumbling around her.

Her three friends -stranded further down the cliff -watched in horror as the teenager clung on. They rang for help on a mobile phone.

The three coastguards pulled the girl to a more secure position, before she was winched to safety by an RAF rescue helicopter.

The Skinningrove coastguards were nominated for the award by Faye, and could now be on their way to Downing Street to be congratulated by the Prime Minister.

The awards highlight how mobile phones have revolutionised the link between the public and the emergency services.

The three will join 23 other regional winners, who will go before a national judging panel, which includes Gulf War veteran John Nichol, TV personality Nell McAndrew and actor Martin Kemp, plus representatives from Vodafone and the Royal Humane Society.

If they win, they will receive an invitation from Gordon Brown to a reception at 10 Downing Street in November, where they will be presented with their award.

Mr Waugh said: "We are all just over the moon. I am still in touch with Faye and when I went to see them, she handed me the three certificates. We had no idea, we did not know anything about it.

"It was a lovely shock and we thank her very much; it is amazing."