RESIDENTS of a north Durham village are celebrating the beginning of building work on a community centre.

North Durham MP Kevan Jones has turned the first sod at the £879,000 facility in Sacriston, near Chester-le-Street.

He was helped by Linda Surtees, chairwoman of the newly-formed Sacriston Community and Sports Trust and Chester-le-Street district councillors.

Mr Jones said: "This is the culmination of hard work and tenacity of the local community who have worked hard over the years getting the funding together.

"The centre is an important part of the larger renaissance of Sacriston."

Mrs Surtees said: "We are over the moon at getting the funding we need for phase one of our project. We want to remain at the heart of the community. That is our vision."

A steering group decided several years ago it would be more viable to build a centre rather than carrying out intensive repairs to the existing facility.

Mrs Surtees said: "The greatest challenge was finding the core funding.

"At one point, we thought we were never going to make it. We were successful getting Lottery funding in October 2005 last year and a week gone Friday heard that Coalfields Regeneration Trust was successful - that clinched it."

Phase one, which is expected to be completed by spring, will include a main hall with sliding walls, a kitchen and office accommodation.

It will accommodate a host of community groups and clubs, as well as an internet cafe.

The community centre will be built on the site of the bowling green and will include parking facilities, as well as a mini-square.

Four war memorials in the community centre will be incorporated in the new centre.

The trustees are continuing to seek funding for phase two, which will be to develop the sports and outdoor facilities, including an multi-use games and all-weather bowling green.

Funding for the first stage was provided by the Lottery Fund (£300,000), the Coalfields Regeneration Trust (£300,000), Chester-le-Street District Council (£259,000), and Fyndoune Shared Use Facility (£20,000).

* The old centre includes historic memorial bricks, which will be included in a new village square.

Mrs Surtees has asked anyone with information about the bricks to contact her on 07929-728863