A BELLY-DANCER will show visitors to a summer carnival this weekend how to shake their hips.

Vanessa Gooding has been performing for several years and draws her inspiration from film footage of Egyptian belly-dancers of the Forties and Fifties.

She will perform at Rossmere Park Summer Carnival, in Hartlepool, at 1.30pm on Saturday, after which she will run a workshop for women wanting to try it for themselves.

The 31-year-old, who lives in Hartlepool and teaches at classes in the town, said: "It is an ancient art form which is thousands of years old.

"Belly-dancing is all about expressing the beautiful music through your body, and when you are performing, you journey through a wide range of different emotions.

"It is excellent exercise, gives you a real sense of joy and empowerment, and is great for increasing self-confidence."

The carnival will run from noon to 4pm, and will feature fairground rides and inflatables, Punch and Judy and magic shows, face-painting, a tombola, football tournament and tai chi and karate displays.