POLICE fear applications to keep town centre nightclubs open until 6am will have a disastrous effect on communities in north Durham.

Sergeant Tim Robson, licensing officer with Durham Police, spoke out regarding two applications to extend opening hours from 2.30am in Consett.

An application for a temporary licence to open Chaplains until dawn over the bank holiday weekend has now been withdrawn.

Police asked for the application to extend the licence at nearby Decades to be postponed.

Sgt Robson, said Sudkev Gill, who owns both clubs, wanted to submit extra evidence regarding the availability of taxis that his legal team had not examined.

He said police objected to late licences for town centre clubs for a variety of reasons.

Sgt Robson said: "If these sort of applications are approved it could have a terrible knock-on effect across the county because it will lead to competition to see who can stay open the longest.

"The premises have had a number of late licences and unfortunately during these times crime, disorder and unruly behaviour have occurred.

"An extension to the opening hours would be detrimental to residents.

"People in Delves Lane, Blackhill and Consett town centre have to listen to people shouting and carrying on until the early hours and this will just make it worse.

"We are also concerned about how people will get home safely at that time in the morning."

Mr Gill applied to Derwentside District Council to extend the opening time from its usual 2.30am close.

The businessman is no stranger to controversy in the town having recently opened the nearby lap dancing club, Red Velvet, despite it attracting more than 1,000 objections.

The police's objections to extending the licensing hours are supported by Councillor Alex Watson, leader of Derwentside District Council.

Mr Gill believes that longer opening hours mean that not everyone will leave the club at the same time.

He feels that this will reduce disorder on the streets of Consett that occurs because hundreds of intoxicated people are queuing for the same taxis and in the same takeaways.

The application for Decades will be heard at the Civic Centre on a date to be fixed next month.