VOLUNTEERS who have shown outstanding dedication in helping families with young children were honoured at a ceremony yesterday.

The charity Children North East presented the awards at the event, which was staged at Durham County Cricket Club, in Chester-le-Street.

More than 120 volunteers from across the region who have assisted in the charity's seven Family Link projects were singled out for their efforts.

Family Link provides emotional and practical assistance through a home visiting service for mothers, fathers and carers of young children who are experiencing difficulties by linking them with a trained volunteer.

Maria Hood, from Family Link, said: "All Family Link volunteers give so much to help families in this region who are experiencing difficult times, and we are grateful for all they do.

"This annual award ceremony is Children North East's way of thanking them for the support they provide.''

She added: "It is amazing really to be giving out awards like this for such long service in a voluntary role.

"Over the years, these volunteers have supported thousands of children and families and helped them to overcome their problems.''