A MAN has been ordered to stay away from his parents' home indefinitely after he admitted causing them alarm and distress.

Jobless Stephen William Hutchfield appeared before Newton Aycliffe Magistrates' Court yesterday.

The 34-year-old admitted causing his parents alarm and distress between June 2 and July 18 through a prolonged period of intimidation, harassment and criminal damage.

Jonathan Bambro, prosecuting, said that on one occasion Hutchfield kicked his parents' back door off its hinges.

Mr Bambro said on a further occasion Hutchfield's father was lying on the bed when he heard his son shouting and banging at the front door despite being on police bail to stay away from the house.

Mike Clarke, mitigating, said that his client had spent 17 days on remand and advised against commissioning a psychiatric report as was suggested by probation.

"It is a difficult case in some respects because you have a man who has some difficulties," he said.

"He lives near his parents, but he does want to move elsewhere."

Hutchfield, 34, of Collingwood Street, Coundon, Bishop Auckland, was given a two-year conditional discharge and a restraining order prohibiting him from going near his parents' Coundon home.