COMMUNITY safety officers will join a drive to reduce the number of house burglaries across Hambleton next week.

All 13 officers in the district have been given Home Office training to undertake home security surveys, which include tips on door and window security and alarms.

Next week, the officers will be carrying out the surveys for burglary victims across Hambleton, as part of National Home Security Week, which starts on Sunday.

They will also advise homeowners about using light timers and shed alarms to deter opportunist thieves.

Carl Les, vice-chairman of the Hambleton Community Safety Partnership, said: "Most burglaries are committed by opportunist thieves and take place when the house is empty.

"A significant number of house burglaries in Hambleton are still committed by the offender walking through an unlocked door to find items such as wallets, cash and car keys on display on the kitchen worktops.

"Simply putting away items like this into drawers and locking the house doors might be enough to prevent these opportunist burglaries from occurring.

"And once a home has been burgled, it is very likely to be targeted again, but by taking some simple crime prevention steps, homeowners can help reduce the risk of their houses being visited again."

The community safety partnership is one of 60 crime and drug agencies across the country to sign up for the Home Office's Changing Lives: Making Communities Safer scheme.

The year-long project aims to publicise the work local agencies are doing to tackle crime, drugs, anti-social behaviour and alcohol misuse in their areas.

National Home Security Week aims to encourage people to think about security measures and help prevent crime