A SCHEME to build three holiday cabins and a brewery behind a pub is likely to be rejected tomorrow.

Planning officers at Hambleton District Council say that because of its location, design and lack of screening, the development at the rear of the Arden Arms in Atley Hill, near South Cowton, between Richmond and Darlington, would have a harmful visual impact on the quality of the surrounding countryside.

Plans for change of use of agricultural land to accommodate the holiday cabins and a boundary fence were rejected by the development control committee last December. That application also included plans for a dairy which were later withdrawn.

The latest application has brought three objections from neighbours, who say the development will not reflect the character of the pub.

They also raise concerns about additional drinking, inappropriate use of farmland, loss of parking spaces, noise and smells from the brewery and strains on the sewerage system.

Planning officers say the development would be exposed from the nearby roadside and activities arising from the holiday units would be intrusive.

They say the brewery would have little physical connection with the pub and, if its use was to attract significant visitor numbers, issues of car parking and road safety would be likely.