THE flatmate of a heroin addict stabbed to death in his home has told a jury how he ran for help as the brutal attack was launched by an angry drug dealer.

Carl Vincent watched in horror as Mark "Peao" Pearson repeatedly swiped a broad-bladed kitchen knife at his friend Richard Petty in revenge for being "taxed".

A day before the killing, 35-year-old Mr Petty stole money from Mark Fairweather - a street dealer who sold heroin for Pearson and his friend, Joseph Tingle.

Mr Petty is said to have gone with a gang to Mr Fairweather's home in Billingham, near Stockton, to rob him of drugs, but when he had none, took cash instead.

A murder trial jury at Teesside Crown Court has heard that the £80 effectively belonged to drug suppliers Pearson, 28, and his house-mate, Mr Tingle, 23.

The pair were so angry about being "taxed" that they hunted down Mr Petty, and Pearson stabbed him eight times in the lounge of his flat.

Pearson has admitted murder, but Mr Tingle denies the charge, and claims he did not know his friend had the 8in knife when they set off to seek revenge.

The jury has been told that they tricked their way into the block of flats where their target lived, in Melsonby Court, Billingham, before Pearson attacked him.

Mr Vincent answered the door to the seventh-floor flat and was followed into the front room - where Mr Petty and his cousin Craig were sitting - by Pearson.

Yesterday, he relived the moment on the afternoon of March 25 that he witnessed the stabbing and ran to seek help from a concierge at the town centre tower block.

"Pearson followed me into the living room and then it all kicked off between him and Richard," Mr Vincent said. "When he went into the living room he said something like 'what the f*** was all that about last night?' and took a swipe at him.

"I didn't see what was in his hand but the swipe landed and Richard staggered back and tried to defend himself by taking a swipe back, but the lad started taking a couple more swipes at him. I saw blood dripping down the front of his T-shirt."

Mr Vincent saw Mr Tingle on the landing as he fled from his flat to summon help and, moments later, as he told the concierge what had happened, was threatened by Pearson.

Pearson dumped the knife after he and Mr Tingle ran from the building, but he was arrested later that night, while his friend handed himself in the following day.

Mr Vincent said Mr Tingle - who lived with Pearson at Denby Road, Billingham, at the time of the killing - did not enter the flat at any time during the disturbance.

The trial continues