MOTORISTS checking out the latest cost of fuel on a garage forecourt sign were appalled that obscene messages had replaced the prices.

Instead of the prices for diesel, petrol and super unleaded the sign read "rape", "a**e" and "hole".

Bosses at the Tesco garage in Hartlepool, overlooking the busy A689, said yobs must have tampered with the sign.

Shocked Charlie Duràn, 46, was taking some photographs to be developed at the Belle Vue Way store at 9.10am on Tuesday when he caught a glimpse of the sign.

The security advisor, of the Dyke House area of Hartlepool, had his camera with him and was so appalled at the words that he took a picture.

He said: "I saw the sign and I just thought it was disgusting. I mean it's the school holidays and there will be lots of children visiting the store or driving past. It's obscene.

"I decided to go and tell the store and took a picture of the sign so that I didn't have to repeat the awful words.

"But the store didn't seem particularly bothered. I was told that 'someone must have been messing about again'.

"Their attitude made me mad and when I said I would contact the press he just shrugged his shoulders again."

A Tesco Spokesman said: "The manager came into work yesterday and didn't notice the sign but as soon as it was brought to his attention it was changed immediately.

"It was absolutely nothing to do with Tesco staff. We believe it was changed overnight by local youths who had managed to find a way of disrupting the sign.

"It is stupid and irresponsible behaviour by what appears to be gangs of youths."