IT was cheers all round at a Dale crick club at the weekend as children came together for a sporting festival.

That’s as the under 11s softball festival was held at Middleton-in-Teesdale Cricket Club, on Sunday.

Five teams of children aged between seven and 11 took part in the annual event: Middleton-in-Teesdale, Barnard Castle, Raby, Richmond and Rockliffe Park.

The teams all played four games over the afternoon and the winning team was declared as Richmond but all children received medals in a presentation ceremony.

Ladies team captain, Gillian Hutchinson, said all the youngsters had thoroughly enjoyed the competition, especially as it was such a hot day.

The club celebrates its 40th anniversary this year with coaches Anth Coatsworth, John Fletcher and club lead Dave Garth and has gone from strength to strength with the likes of its ladies team and All Stars programme for children.