A MAN was robbed of almost £100 at knife point as he walked through a town.

The incident happened at around 12.30pm on Tuesday as the 22-year-old was heading towards the Riverside Park in Chester-le- Street, County Durham.

The man was walking from Cone Terrace along a path at the rear of Chester-le-Street baths, which leads to an underpass below the A167.

A police spokesman said: "He was going to meet up with a friend who had gone fishing and saw the figure of a man wearing a dark hooded top ahead of him.

"As he approached the man asked for money and when this was refused he produced a large knife and repeated his demand.

"The victim, fearing for his safety, handed over just short of £100 and the robber made off with the cash in the direction of the Riverside."

The victim, who was left shaken but unhurt, then ran the relatively short distance to the main police station to report the incident.

His attacker is thought to aged in his 30s and was wearing jeans and white/cream footwear.

Anyone who was in the area at the time and may have seen this man is asked to contact the officer in the case, acting Detective Sergeant Steven Frost at Chester-le-St CID on 0845-60-60-365 or people can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555-111.