A MOTHER who feared she and her three children would be forced to live on the street will be allowed to remain in a unit for homeless people.

Karen Matchwick, 33, had been told that she would have to leave the unit on Thursday after Richmondshire District Council concluded that she had made herself and her sons intentionally homeless.

Ms Matchwick disputes the council's allegations and says that her former private landlord gave her notice to quit.

The council now says that the family can remain at George Nickling House, at Colburn, near Catterick Garrison, with weekly reviews until the situation is resolved.

Ms Matchwick and sons Kyle, 13, Leon, 11, and eight-year-old Declan, have lived in one room at the unit for the past two months, after she says that her tenancy at a privately-rented house in the town was terminated by the landlord.

"It was only a six-month contract, but I ended up there for eight months and the landlord wanted the house back for refurbishment," said Ms Matchwick, who is from Colburn.

"The council decided that I had made myself intentionally homeless and they were going to kick me out of the homeless unit on Thursday.

"I just want a home for myself and my three boys. Colburn is my home town. We have been shoved from pillar to post for so long that it is just getting silly."

Ms Matchwick said that the council had instructed her to take up the private tenancy and has not found her a council house.

She says that she has been signed off sick from her job as a checkout operator at the nearby Lidl supermarket because of stress caused by her housing plight.

Caroline Batty, the council's housing management team leader, said: "Richmondshire District Council sympathises with Ms Matchwick and she has received a written decision from us.

"We are aware that she has been frantically searching for other properties, so she can stay for the present time in temporary accommodation at the unit. That will be reviewed on a week-to- week basis."