CLOTHES and medication were stolen from a car parked at the Bowes Museum, in Barnard Castle, at the weekend.

One of the Ford Mondeo's windows was smashed, while the car was parked in the museum grounds on Saturday.

The theft took place between 2pm and 5pm. The tablets taken included 60 amitryptaline pills and 100 codemol pills.

They could be dangerous if too many are taken, or if they are mixed with other drugs,

The owner of the car, registration N443 UPM, was in the museum at the time of the theft.

Inspector Kevin Tuck, from Barnard Castle police, said: "This is quite unusual, to have a car broken into in broad daylight at the Bowes Museum.

"But it goes to show that, whether it's Barnard Castle or Newcastle, people need to consider not leaving items in their car that are valuable."

Anyone who may have seen the theft is asked to call Barnard Castle police on 0845-60-60-365 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555111.